Holey Viburnum Leaves!
Tattered viburnum leaves that resemble lace more than foliage, are symptoms of viburnum leaf beetles (Pyrrhalta viburni). Both the adult beetle and their larvae feed on many types of viburnums. The adult yellowish-brown beetles are ¼ long. The 1/3 inch long larva has noticeable black spots on their beige to yellow-green bodies.
The larvae emerges in May and feeds for several weeks. In mid-June the larvae return to the soil to pupate. In late June to early July, hungry adult beetles emerge and they chew oblong holes in the foliage. Plants can become completely threadbare and may die with repeated infestations. During the summer and through to October, females deposit their eggs into pits they’ve made in the stems. The eggs overwinter and emerge in spring as larvae. |